Experienced, Effective Representation For
Tax, Business And Probate Matters


Photo Of Luis R. De Luna

Experienced San Antonio Business And Employment Law Attorney

Businesses face a broad range of tax issues that can affect them at all stages of their life cycles. From forming a new business entity to asking the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to waive penalties, there are always tax ramifications to consider.

An experienced, knowledgeable business law attorney can ensure that your company fully understands these ramifications and prepares accordingly.

At the Law Office of Luis R. De Luna, PLLC, we offer comprehensive tax law, business law and employment law services throughout South Texas. We provide all of our clients with the personal attention they need when dealing with tax matters that can affect their entire enterprise.

Customized Tax Solutions For Businesses For More Than 25 Years

Some of the topics that frequently arise for our clients include:

  • Business formation: We know the positives and negatives associated with certain business entities, advising on whether a limited liability company (LLC), corporation or partnership best suits your business and tax goals.
  • Penalties waived: When our clients face penalties such as the trust fund recovery penalty, we work hard to help them reduce or eliminate the penalties imposed by the IRS.
  • Employment tax audits: The IRS is increasingly auditing more and more large employers. We represent clients at all steps of the audit process to make sure they are treated fairly.

Luis De Luna served as a revenue agent for more than a decade before becoming a lawyer. Today he uses his deep knowledge of IRS procedure, prominent role as a business owner in his own right, and his powerful advocacy skills to the advantage of our clients.

Contact the Law Office of Luis R. De Luna, PLLC, today for a free initial consultation. Call 210-757-0941 or reach us in San Antonio by email message. Se habla español.

Practice Areas

Taxation Law Representation

Taxation Law Representation

Business & Employment Tax Matters

Business & Employment Tax Matters

